Malin Westermann is a Norwegian freelance photographer living in Oslo, Norway. She is available worldwide for personal, editorial and commercial work.

Intrigued by the quiet magnificent, fragility and fleeting nature of everyday life - and even moreso since birthing her first child - Malin approaches her practice with a deep sensitivity for all stages of life, but puts her attention to motherhood.
She is deeply interested in the way familial landscapes, particularly the mother role, look and change over time and the shifting cultural representations.

Her work was selected to be a part of “Success Stories Coming Into 2023” by Visura and was shortlisted for Portrait Of Humanity by British Journal of Photography 2022.

She’s been published extensively worldwide and nationally, with features in Wall Street Journal, Elle Italy, CNN, Mob Journal, PhotoVogue, ALTSÅ magasin, FETT and more.

She is a part of CollectiveOslo and you can buy her prints here.

You can find more of her work on her Instagram: malin_westermann

Books and publications:

2023: “Eye mama, lo sguardo femminile sulla maternità che genera scatti meravigliosi” Elle Italia (IT)

2023: "Karni Arieli on The Eye Mama Project”, Mother Mag (US)

2023: “And still I rise” by Sola Journal (US)

2023: Eye Mama: Poetic Truths of Home and Motherhood, by Karni Arieli. Published by TeNeues (UK)

2023: Portrait of Humanity Vol 5 by British Journal of Photography, published by Hoxton Mini Press (UK)

2022: “Photographers capture their own experiences as mothers”, CNN (US)

2022: Matrescence, FETT tidsskrift (NO)

2022: Matrescence, ALTSÅ magasin (NO)

2022: Talk the talk with Malin Westermann, Oslo Collective (NO)

2021: Malin Westermann, Mob Journal (US)

2021: Olav, Blodfersk Magasin (NO)


2024: “MOM/WOW/MOM” exhibition at Fotografiens Hus, Oslo

2024: “Matrescence” Solo exhibition at Salongen, Stavanger

2022: THE UNSEEN, Quantus Gallery (UK)